The weird little bear on the bench (true story)


Ok you guys, I got another true and bizarre, paranormal story that I experienced and I’m interested in what you think may have happened. It’s a weird story😟.

So some years back, in ’99, my manager gave us all gifts at work, ‘cuz she was leaving for good. She gave ME this little brown bear, that had a tiny maroon ribbon tied around it’s neck making a bow, that was sitting on a bench… not in a package, just the bear and bench. The bench was literally like a real bench that had rod iron sides that were painted black, with real wooden panels that made the seat and back rest…I loved it.

I took the bear and bench home and put it on the back of my toilet, making sure I centered it right in the middle, so it wouldn’t fall off. Ironically, it even matched my maroon bathroom decor, so this was perfect for me. Over that weekend I had family over…I think it was a Saturday night… just to hang and eat. My nephews and nieces came too, so there was a lot of runnin’ around in the apartment of course. The next night, I’m sitting in the living room, talking on the phone (oddly enough, that’s what I was doing in my other story I told you guys) and I hear something in the background. I lived by myself so nobody would’ve been in the apartment, which made me immediately start to freak out of course lol. I put the phone down to go look for the cause of the noise, lookin’ in my bedroom first, then in the bathroom. After a couple minutes, I finally realize, that the freakin’ bear AND bench are not on the back of the toilet! What the heck ?! Something tells me to look over in the shower. Real quick…the shower and the toilet had an empty space between ’em, so you could actually stand in between the toilet and the shower. The shower door was open and the bear and bench are sitting in the shower, upside down, like something tossed them in there. Guys…this bench actually had a little weight to it, so how would this weighted bench, magically jump over into shower?! As with the other story I shared with you guys, I just stood there, then headed straight into denial, telling myself it must’ve been moving inch by inch, from Saturday night to Sunday night, from all the runnin’ the children were doing. Yeah…that’s it! (lol)

Needless to say, I tossed the bear and the bench in the dumpster. I didn’t throw it away immediately though, I had it in my trunk for a couple days at first lol. I think I did that with the intention of giving it to Goodwill, but I thought to myself that I didn’t want that happening to anyone else, so then I tossed it. Did my manager freakin’ know about this?! Did she possibly have the same thing happen, so that’s why she gave it away?! I should never have taken a gift that wasn’t in a box, but how was I suppose to know there was something attached to it?!

What was that noise?!

Question: (TRUE STORY) Have you guys ever experienced watching a scary movie, then something weird or unexplained happens after? I asked ‘cuz I saw this scary movie a couple years ago at the theatre called “VVitch,” then decided to buy it and watch it at home. I won’t lie…I love scary movies. Not gory ones, but suspense/scary. Anyway, so after I watched it, I was sitting on the couch talking on the phone and I hear something back in my room. Now, I’m home alone, so there shouldn’t be ANY noise anywhere in my place. I get up to go see what it was and notice something SUPER crazy with my curtains. So that you can understand why I say it was crazy…there’s a single rod that has two ends to it, that I hung on nails. The curtain is one panel, instead of two panels(or pieces), so to even get the rod off the wall, you’d have to unhook it from over the nails, but push the curtain back some first. I wasn’t prepared for what I saw.  Do you know, that the freakin’ rod was OFF THE NAIL ON THE WALL and the curtain WAS PUSHED BACK ON THE ROD!!! And no…no one was in my place, the window was not open and I had not been messing with the curtain or the rod at all. It never, ever moves at all. That day, it was as if something, scooted the curtain back and pulled one side of the rod down. I’ve never experienced anything like that with any other scary movie I’ve bought and watched at home, until that one. I just stood there, looked at it, fought off the fear (lolol), headed straight into denial and just shrugged my shoulders. Do I need to tell you that I got rid of that movie the first chance I got lol?! Not sure what that was to this day. 😕