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20150411_091808Welcome to my brand new blog everybody!  Go ahead, kick your shoes off,  get comfortable and enjoy some of the little things I’ve picked up on my way through this thing called life.  I’ve had all sorts of trials and triumphs that I’m sure others have dealt with too, from health scares and tips, to do-it-yourself ideas that blossomed into “oh, that actually looks nice” projects.   I feel like everyone has a voice and something important that should be shared, not kept in hiding and I plan to do just that.  You just never know when or how someone else’s advice or experiences may come in handy.  Like the time I colored my hair a blonde color, so I could have a really bold Mohawk, trying to copy a look I saw.  I followed the instructions on the box, sure, but then I added my own instructions.  Big mistake and now I know not to color my hair more than one time in a two week span lol.  Lesson learned and now I’m sharing it with the world.  Happy reading!!  🙂  20140712_185233~2