Rest in Pieces


I really need to get some new black shoes!  Yup, starting this post like this, was the best way I could think of,  to paint a clear picture of the recent happenings I endured the other day.  Boy oh boy!  Let me see if I can recall all of the events accurately, because it was like a comedy skit, except without the laughing part and no audience (although it would’ve been real entertaining I’m sure).  I’ll explain.  So, I’ve needed to buy some nice looking, professional type shoes for a long time now, but I’ve grown a little tired of the hunt, so I’ve just been wearing colors that went well with brown shoes instead.  I buy black shoes that seem to fit great in the store and as soon as the walking around begins, it feels like I’m wearing someone else’s shoes, with their feet still in them (lol, try putting that image in your head).  I even went as far as ordering shoes from a store in a mall near my house once, which I have never done before, but decided to try.  I wore those shoes a few times, but then I put them in the closet until recently.  I forgot why I hadn’t worn them and then it hit me, when I put them on,  there’s this huge space between my toes and the tips of the shoes.  Isn’t this my size?!  Why does it feel like these shoes have a fake size stitched into ’em?!  I am so tired of trying to find that special pair of shoes that will hug my feet and caress my toes, like they’re getting little tiny massages.  I guess I can be a little cheap in some areas, so I’ll probably have to look more into the expensive shoes, if I want them to fit the way I need them to.  Ok, let’s fast forward to last week.  I found myself in the same boat, needing black shoes to wear with this really stunning black dress I have.  It has bold red flowers with piercing green leaves…it kind of reminds you of a painting really.  I go in the bedroom that doubles as a storage facility (I swear it was supposed to be an office at one point) and in a whole foods shopping bag, was this pair of black boots I haven’t worn in forever.  I have on  my dress with the boots and I walk out the door, heading to work.  We’re walking to the car and my husband says “those are so loud!”  Then, right on cue, my toes start to slide further down into the point of the boot and I can’t take another step. “Great,” I shout, then go right back in for a pair of shoes with these straps across the front.  “Ahh, these are much better,” I’m thinking, as I remove my  poor toes from captivity.  Finally,  I get to work and I look great, but why are these “strappy numbers” feeling so compressed onto the bottom of my foot?  And what are all those little black shavings I seem to be leaving behind everywhere? Oh no!  I sit at my desk, take my shoe off and the lining/insole of the shoes is sticking to the bottom of my feet like white on rice.  I get up to clean my feet off at the restroom and wonder why it feels like my shoe is sliding to the right.  I can’t believe it, MY STRAP HAS JUST BROKEN!! Unbelievable.  For no reason at all.  Oh wait, there was a reason…the rest of the shoe was committing suicide, so why not!  And I love those shoes!!  So, for now, I’ll just lay my dear old black, strappy numbers to rest.  It was one heck of a ride ladies.  Thanks for helping me look good all those times, way back when.  Luckily, I had my handy dandy, “wear-them-everyday-with-every outfit”    flip flops in the car.  What a walk on the wild side!!  Rest in pieces!!20160414_11505620160414_114640